Following 2017’s best ever GCSE results, BSAK students have again achieved another year of record results. This is all the more impressive as, for the first time, the majority of subjects have been examined under the new, more rigorous GCSE qualifications with the new 1-9 grading system, although some subjects have retained the old A*-G grading system for this year. In the face of widely forecast lower grades nationally and increased volatility, results at BSAK have actually improved on last year.
The GCSE results below reflect an academically non-selective cohort of 126 BSAK students with a total of 1,120 GCSE entries.
34% of all grades – A* or 9-8.
56% of all grades – A*- A or 9-7
83% of all grades – A*-B or 9-5
95% of all grades – A*-C or 9-4
18% achieved the new high A* equivalent of Grade 9 (UK National 3%)
31 students achieved 9-7 Grades (A*-A) in all their GCSEs
- 2 BSAK students amongst only 732 in the world achieved a perfect examination record of all 9 grades.
- 1 student received a special letter from the examination board congratulating him as one of only 3 students from over 21,000 entries around the world that had achieved 100% in the GCSE Mathematics paper.
95% of students achieved at least 5 9-4 (A*-C) Grades, including English and Maths
9/8 – equivalent to A*/A, 9-7 – equivalent to A*-A and 9-4 – equivalent to A*-C, in-line with DfE guidance.
Headmaster Mark Leppard MBE reflected ‘The move to the new GCSE courses, exams and grading system has been a challenge for all schools; the clear fact that results at BSAK have improved during this time, in spite of the increased demands is a great testament to the exceptional hard work of our fantastic students, dedicated staff and supportive parents. We are all incredibly proud of our School and these results are an important reflection of the outstanding education offered at BSAK’
Teresa Woulfe, Head of Secondary added: These results are incredibly impressive even more since this represents the largest GCSE cohort in the Emirate of 126 students and the School’s wholly academically non-selective status. The School provides an outstanding education to students regardless of their ability with, for example 21 students in this year’s cohort receiving additional learning support. These results are nothing short of exceptional and compare very favourably to the very best non-selective schools in the world and indeed many highly selective Grammar and Independent schools in the UK.’
Many congratulations to all of our students on your well-deserved results. We are very proud of you all and the very best of wishes for your Sixth Form studies.
The Sixth Form at BSAK has the widest choice of A Levels in Abu Dhabi with 26 subjects, 3 BTEC Level 3 Diplomas in Engineering, Business Studies and Sport and our unique Future Leaders Programme.