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We learn to confidently set ambitious goals, seeking inspiration from all the learning opportunities presented to us, in our fascinating and multicultural world. 

A Level and BTEC Exam Results 2024


BSAK is delighted to announce another increase in exam results this year.

Here at BSAK, we are celebrating the achievements of our Sixth Form students, who have achieved outstanding results in their A Level and BTEC qualifications, with the highest A*% and A*-C% results for the past 7 years. (Excluding the two Covid years).

BSAK’s 131 Year 13 students undertook 356 A Level qualifications and 23 Level 3 BTEC Diplomas.  They are incredibly proud of the results achieved and the university places they have been able to secure through their hard work and determination. 43% of all grades were awarded at either A* or A, with 70% of grades awarded at A*- B, 90% of grades awarded at A*-C, and a 99% pass rate.  This means that 85 A* grades were awarded to BSAK students this year.

26 students achieved 3 or more straight A*/A grades at A Level, with 5 students achieving 3 straight A*s, and 4 students achieving 4 straight A*/A grades.  Vocational BTEC courses also continue to be a great success, with 93% of grades being at either Distinction* or Distinction level.

These outstanding results have enabled students to progress onto some of the most prestigious and highly-ranked universities in the world.  In the UK, BSAK students will be going to 16 of the 24 world-class universities known as the ‘Russell Group’.   These include: Imperial College London, London School of Economics, King's College London, University College London, University of Edinburgh, and the University of Bristol.

In the United States, 5 BSAK students will be attending 3 of the 8 ‘Ivy League’ schools: The University of Pennsylvania, the Wharton Business School in the University of Pennsylvania,  Brown University, and Columbia University.  Other notable destinations in the US include John Hopkins University, the University of California, San Diego, and Purdue University.

In the UAE, once again, BSAK students will also be attending the top universities, which include NYU in Abu Dhabi, and Birmingham University, Dubai.

Headmaster, Mark Leppard MBE commented ‘This is another incredible set of A Level and BTEC results and we are so proud of these achievements.  To see the percentage of A* and A*-C grades increase again this year is an amazing achievement. BSAK is non-academically selective, with an all-inclusive culture, and this shines an even brighter light on these results.  Our students have worked incredibly hard, showing resilience when times were tough, and have now been rewarded for their talent and efforts.  

It is also important to note that these wonderful BSAK students are far greater than just their examination results.  Their desire to be the best at everything they do makes them stand out. Among them are wonderful public speakers, debaters, artists, musicians, exceptional sportsmen and women, and most importantly they are impressive young adults and role models to our younger BSAK students.

Head of Secondary, Nigel Davis, commented ‘The whole BSAK community expresses admiration, pride, and delight at these results.  This Year 13 cohort has been a shining example of all that makes BSAK such a special place.  They are a cosmopolitan mix of unique individuals, who come together as a family.'

Students in this Year Group have been outstanding role models to other BSAK students: they have worked incredibly hard on their studies, while taking part in so many activities, events and societies beyond their studies.  They have also had fun, and followed their dreams.  These results will allow the vast majority to continue their educational journey at the top universities of their choice and we wish them every success.

Our talented staff, and supportive parents, also deserve praise.  It’s the teamwork that goes into supporting our students, that creates the conditions for success that we see today.  I know that our staff will be eagerly looking at these results and feeling immense pride and joy, on behalf of their students.  Likewise our parents have been a truly crucial part of their child’s educational journey with us and we congratulate and thank them for this. They are also seeing the fruit of their labour today.'


  • Sarah Simon - A*A*A*A* - with an offer for Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh
  • Hanlei Gao - A*A*A*A - with an offer for Computer Science and Mathematics at Brown University
  • Jenifer Najjar - A*A*A* - with an offer for Medicine at the University of Sheffield
  • Lilian Asal - A*A*A* - with an offer for Law at the University of Bristol
  • Deen Ahmed -  A*A*A - with an offer for Medicine at Imperial College London
  • Mohamed Elkhouly - A*A*A - with an offer for Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University
  • Saif Ghazanfar - A*A*A - with an offer for Finance at the London School of Economics
  • Ahmed Assad - A*AAA - with an offer for Computer Science and Maths at the University of Warwick
  • Aryan Patni - A*A*AA - applying to universities in Germany to study Mathematics
  • Priyali Sapra - A*A*A - with an offer for Medicine at King’s College London
  • Lora Sharara - A*A*A* - applying to universities in Australia to study Medicine
  • Kishan Sharma - A*AA - with an offer for Economics at the University of Bristol
  • Rochan Dasgupta - AAA - with an offer for Management at the London School of Economics
  • Ammar Hadaki - A*AA - with an offer for Medicine at King’s College London
  • Umar Khan - AAA - with an offer for Biomedical Science at King’s College London
  • Zaara Mohyuddin - AAA - with an offer for Information Management at University College London
  • Yaken Muammar - A*AA - with an offer for Architecture for the University of Manchester

If you would like to find out more about studying A Levels or BTEC in the BSAK Sixth Form, contact Mrs Karen Collings on [email protected].

A Level Pass Rate

A Level ResultsA*-A A*-BA*-CPass Rate
GCSE Results 2024


The British School Al Khubairat has set record GCSE results today.  Its 132 Year 11 students have seen a 5% rise on grade 9s from last year, and superb scores across the board. 23% of all grades were the maximum grade 9, 38% grade 9-8, 54% at 9-7 and 96% of all grades at the standard grade 4 or above.  This means that out of the 1194 GCSE exams taken that 455 of these grades were either grade 8 or grade 9.

Mr Mark Leppard MBE, the BSAK Headmaster commented: “These results are remarkable, and we are delighted for our hard working and dedicated students.  What is so pleasing is also how many of them are getting onto the A Level and BTEC courses that they have chosen for Sixth Form.  Their efforts have clearly been rewarded, and we are excited to welcome them into what is now going to be BSAK’s largest ever Sixth Form.  In particular, we are delighted to have a value added of over 1.1 grade per average result.”  

The following students received 8 or more Grade 9s:

Einass Mohamed

Lucas O'Callaghan

Rayan El Solh

Mohamed Khalifa 

Omar Tashamneh

Ryan Paramasivam

Zaid Al-Nasseri

Charudharshana Jayavel

Simbarashe Kazuwa


BSAK’s outstanding and award winning Sixth Form offers the largest selection of A Level and BTEC Diploma options in Abu Dhabi. Visit our website for more information and for application details, please contact [email protected]


GCSE Pass Rate

GCSE ResultsA*-A (9-7)A*-B (9-5)A*-C (9-4)


Our Sixth Form students at BSAK are highly successful at achieving outstanding academic results, and gaining places at the most academically selective universities and competitive courses around the world.

Our careers team consists of our specialist Careers and University Counsellor as well as highly-trained staff with expert knowledge in key fields. The careers department supports students throughout the UCAS process including subject and university selection and the application process.  BSAK alumni attend the best universities in the world, including Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, LSE and Imperial College in the UK and Harvard, MIT, Cornell, Stanford and Brown University in the US.

Our aim is to make sure that every student discovers their unique talents, and finds the course and university where they will thrive and grow, academically and personally.

Learn more about our Sixth Form