This week saw a celebration of an incredible year of sport at the Primary Sport Awards. Every athlete who has represented the School this year across football, rugby, swimming, netball, athletics and sailing was acknowledged.
The evening kicked off with netball, with a video showing the fantastic achievements over the year, especially with many of our younger players so new to the sport. Congratulations to Shamsa (U9A), Rebecca (U9B), Sophie (U11A), Eliza (U11B) and Zain (U11C) for winning Player of the Year and to Evie (U9A), Alia (U9B), Mia (U11A), Marium (U11B) and Leya (U11C) for Best Attitude.
Our Primary sailing team were recognised for their amazing achievements this year, winning the Inter-School Sailing Series 2017/18. Sophia (Y5) and Katerina (Y4) were 1st and 3rd in the girl’s competition and Hector (Y5) and Hamza (Y4) also won 1st and 3rd place respectively in the boy’s category.
Our rugby players have done well across the board, battling it out against schools from Abu Dhabi and Dubai in both the league and BSAK 7s, with some great triumphs in both. Congratulations to Ollie (U9A), Padraig (U9B and Herbie (U11A) for winning Player of the Year and to Aydin (U9A), Cassady (U9B) and Harry (U11A) for taking home the trophies for Best Attitude.
Rob Kirkland, head of football introduced the football highlights across the different age groups in the ADISSA league and BSAK 7s. Congratulations to Harry (U9A), Diab (U9B), Alandra (U9A), Robert (U11A) and Adam (U11B) for winning Player of the Year for their teams. Awards for Best Attitude went to Jack (U9A), Oliver (U9B), Ava (U9A), Xylia (U9B), Jude (U11A), Harry (U11B) and Savanna (U11A).
Our swimmers have ruled the pool this year, with win after win in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, from the U8s to U11. Congratulations to our Swimmers of the Year Davide, Zane (U8), Lachlan (U9), Francesco, Noor (U10) and Maya (U11). BSAK places a strong recognition on commitment to training, and approach to competition and this is recognised with awards for Best Attitude - congratulations to Noya (U8), Kate (U9), Annie (U10) and Dan(U11) on receiving these awards.
Our Swim/Run team has also had a successful year and awards were presented to Xander (Y5) for Outstanding Performer and Joseph (Y5) for Best Attitude.
The evening ended with the special awards for BSME and Sports Personality of the Year. Owen (Y6) and Katie (Y6) had their outstanding contributions to the BSME U11 games recognised, each winning trophies for ‘Athlete of the Games’. The grand finale of the evening is the presentation of the awards for Sports Personality of the Year. Robert (Y6) and Emma (Y6) were thrilled to be awarded the trophies for their exceptional contribution to Primary sport across the board this year.
Students took great delight in seeing the PE Department’s Dream Teams for each of the sports displayed on the big screen. Well done to every single student who has represented the School in sport over the year.